Saturday, March 20, 2010

I wish you'd talk to me and tell me what I really need to hear right now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Im in a warm computer room in D9, quite happy at the moment. I don't really wish to go outside where it's freezing cold. Supposed to be 20 degrees today - I don't think so! Got my sisters purple scarf which is keeping at least my neck warm :). Can't wait to go home and put some warm socks on, th heater and blanket with a hot chocolate.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

How could i be so wronge about somebody, they are sweet and kind and then you get to know them and see what they're truely like. selfish, arragent, the total opposite. and then theres you, loving but selfish, cruel but charming. no one is ever as they seem. i wish i could go back and do something different with you and made things better and made you happier, then i wouldnt be in this twisted mess and still have you to make it all better. it wont ever be again, but i miss you and don't think ill forget you.